SSA Advocate Services

SSA Contact Form

The application process for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is complicated, and it can take a long time for your case to be approved. It’s even more difficult if you’re facing possible homelessness or living with a disability or mental health condition. We provide Social Security advocacy services to individuals using the SOAR program. Working with Cornerstone means having a representative who knows the Social Security Administration system to help you out every step of the way.

In addition to helping you complete and submit the necessary forms, written statements and evidence, we consult with you on other things you can do to make the best case to get your application approved. For instance, we represent you in court and with Disability Determination Services, we help you get the information you need from your medical specialists and we help you prepare for appointments and consultative examinations.

Applicants must meet the following eligibility requirements to receive SSA services from the State of Minnesota:
  • An adult or child between the ages of birth and sixty-five
  • Have a disability which has lasted or will last for 12 months or longer
  • Live in the state of Minnesota throughout the entire application process
  • Must be at risk for homelessness OR experiencing homelessness
The following criteria are considered risk factors for homelessness:
  • Being behind in rent or utilities
  • Having an eviction notice or mortgage foreclosure notice
  • Residing in a boarding house or halfway house
  • Exiting a publicly funded institution or system of care
  • Receiving state or federal public assistance benefits
  • Not having sufficient resources or support networks immediately available to prevent you from moving to an emergency shelter or place not meant for habitation
  • Being on a coordinated entry list or housing registry
  • Being a recipient of a housing subsidy program

Under the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) regarding SSA benefits, CHHC is required to provide the following services when applicable:

Initial Application and Claim

CHHC will help an individual complete and submit ALL required documents as directed by the Social Security Administration or Disability Determination Services.

During the initial application and claim submission, we provide the following services:
  • Assist individual in preparing for the consultative examination.
  • Follow up with individual if they fail to attend a consultative examination to determine if they have a good reason for not attending. If there is good reason, we will contact Disability
Some examples of what we consider good reasons for not going to a scheduled examination include:
  • Illness on the date of the scheduled examination or test
  • Not receiving timely notice of the scheduled examination or test or receiving no notice at all
  • Being furnished incorrect or incomplete information or being given incorrect information about the physician involved or the time or place of the examination or test
  • Having had death or serious illness occur in your immediate family
  • Objections by your medical source(s)


If applicable, we can help you through the reconsideration process on your initial claim, including the following duties:
  • Help an individual complete and submit ALL required documents as directed by the Social Security Administration or Disability Determination Services.
  • If a consultative examination is scheduled by Disability Determination Services, CHHC will:
    • Assist individual in preparing for the consultative examination.
    • Follow up with individual if they fail to attend a consultative examination to determine if they have a good reason for not attending (see Initial Application and Claim section). If there is good reason, CHHC must contact Disability Determination Services to inquire about rescheduling the examination.


CHHC will represent an individual at any stage of the Social Security Administration’s hearing before an administrative law judge on their initial application/claim.

Additionally, CHHC must also perform all general duties as identified below:
  • Help an individual complete and submit ALL requested documents, evidence, written statements or legal arguments about the facts and laws relevant to the case as directed by the Social Security Administration or Office of Hearings Operations.
  • Represent the individual and present evidence at the hearing before an administrative law judge.
    • CHHC is waived from attending a hearing if evidence in the hearing record supports a favorable decision and the administrative law judge makes an on the record decision for the individual.

Appeals Council Review

CHHC must have represented the individual at the hearing before an administrative law judge on their initial application/claim.

Additionally, CHHC must also perform all general duties as identified below:
  • CHHC must request an Appeals Council Review within sixty (60) days of an Administrative Law Judge decision denial.
  • CHHC must submit ALL requested documents, evidence, written statements or legal arguments about the facts and laws relevant to the case as directed by the Appeals Council or Social Security Administration.
  • CHHC must represent the individual at the appeals council hearing, if applicable.
  • If Appeals Council remands the decision back to the administrative law judge, CHHC must:
    • Help an individual complete and submit ALL requested documents, evidence, written statements or legal arguments about the facts and laws relevant to the case as directed by the Social Security Administration or Office of Hearings Operations.
    • Represent the individual and present evidence at the hearing before an administrative law judge.
    • CHHC is waived from attending a hearing if evidence in the hearing record supports a favorable decision and the administrative law judge makes an on the record decision for the individual.

Continuing Disability Review

CHHC will represent an individual at any stage of the Social Security Administration’s continuing disability review.

Additionally, CHHC must also perform all general duties as identified below:
  • Help an individual complete and submit ALL required documents as directed by the Social Security Administration or Disability Determination Services.
  • If a consultative examination is scheduled by Disability Determination Services, the CHHC will:
    • Assist individual in preparing for the consultative examination.
    • Follow up with individual if they fail to attend a consultative examination to determine if they have a good reason for not attending (see Initial Application and Claim section). If there is good reason, CHHC must contact Disability Determination Services to inquire about rescheduling the examination.

Additional Hearing

If applicable, CHHC will represent an individual at any stage of the Social Security Administration’s request for a hearing by an administrative law judge on a continuing disability review.

Additionally, CHHC must also perform all general duties as identified below:
  • Help an individual complete and submit ALL requested documents, evidence, written statements or legal arguments about the facts and laws relevant to the case as directed by the Social Security Administration or Office of Hearings.
  • Represent the individual and present evidence at the hearing before an administrative law judge.
    • CHHC is waived from attending a hearing if evidence in the hearing record supports a favorable decision and the administrative law judge makes an on the record decision for the individual.

See the Code of Federal Regulations Title 20, Chapter III Part 404 and Part 416 for specific criteria regarding this process.

If you have a situation where you are unsure if an individual meets these requirements, please contact us contact us. If you do not know who your assigned coordinator is, please send an email to and our SSDI advocate will respond back to you.

SSA Advocate Services Contact

Complete this form as best you can to apply for our help. If you need help filling out this application, or if you want to apply over the phone, please contact us at (612) 702-4541. Applications are  taken over the phone Monday-Friday from 9AM–12PM and 1PM– 4PM

We need to know financial information about your household to determine if we may be able to help you.